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Google keyword ideas play a key role in optimizing your Promoted Pin campaign so that your ad reaches the right people and converts effectively. Google keywords offer insight into what users are searching for and provide ideas on how to meet these demands. 

Identifying keywords used in Google searches helps increase the search visibility of your Pinterest content. 

Google considers Pinterest to be an authoritative source. As Pinterest continues to leverage Google keywords to optimize results, Pinterest posts have started appearing in Google search results. 

Identify popular keywords on Google and build keyword phrases while prioritizing relevant ones. Make sure to optimize keywords based on Pinterest ranking factors. 

Tips for a Successful Pinterest Promoted Pin Campaign

There are a lot of different aspects to consider when establishing a Pinterest Ad campaign, including budget, objectives, targeting, and placements. 

Before launching your ad campaign, consider the following final tips to achieve the best results. 

Test Different Ad Formats

Pinterest offers various ad formats: static Pins, carousel Pins, video Pins, max-width Video Pins, and collections. When launching your advertising campaign, test these different formats to see which performs best for your brand and objective. 

Static Pin Ad Example

Video Pin Ad Example

Promoted Pins work especially well as they appear as regular Pins, apart from the small promotional badge, and provide a native experience for users without disrupting them. Promoted Pins appear on the home feed, category feeds, and search results.

Even then, Promoted Pins are available in different formats, such as Video Pins, One-Tap Promoted Pins, and App Pins.

Plan Ahead

Consider Pinterest user behavior when creating relevant content. By nature, Pinterest users are planners who monitor the platform for seasonal inspiration, holiday ideas, and other guides for planning. When advertising on Pinterest, make sure that you give your content enough time to coincide with your audience’s behavior.

While some Pins, such as recipes, will be used throughout the year, others are seasonal and serve a time-based purpose. For example, if you sell handmade Christmas decorations, then you should start putting money behind festive-themed Pins a couple of months before Christmas. 

Keep Your Website Updated

If you aim to drive traffic to a website, then you need to optimize your landing page. The landing page should be aligned with your ad, include relevant branding, and have strong, descriptive copy. 

For example, if you sell life coaching sessions, then your Promoted Pin will have the objective of driving traffic to your website. Users should arrive at a landing page that offers more information on the sessions and information on how they can sign up. The details should be relevant, describe the deal, and include updated information. In addition, the branding and messaging should align with the Pin. 

Select a Relevant Campaign Objective

One of the first steps to establishing a Pinterest campaign involves setting a campaign objective. The objective must be relevant to the brand’s needs and align with the campaign goal. 

Consider the following popular campaign objectives;

  • Brand awareness — introduce the Pin to new audiences and increase reach
  • Video views — primarily used for video pins
  • Traffic — drive traffic to the website
  • App install — increase the number of app installs
  • Conversions — generate conversions or leads
  • Shopping catalog  — help users discover your products

Take Advantage of Pinterest Features

Pinterest has certain features that help brands get the most value out of their Promoted Pins. For example, Pinterest offers automatic bidding which helps brands get the best ROI on the amount that they have set aside for each click or engagement. It also helps brands save time and focus on other aspects of the Pinterest marketing strategy. 

Pinterest also offers an ad groups feature which allows you to group Promoted Pins together, set a budget, beginning and end date, and target details for the whole group of Pins. 

Separate Interest Targeting and Keyword Targeting

Pinterest allows brands to target users based on interests and keywords. It’s best to create different campaigns for interest targeting and keyword targeting.

You can test which works best for your brand and go from there.

  • Keyword targeting
    reaches all placements and broad matching to category feeds, reaching people as they search for a specific idea on Pinterest
  • Interest targeting
    Focuses home and category feeds, putting Pins in front of people based on their interests, tastes, and life events 

A Summary of Pinterest Ads Checklist

As a summary, there are various steps to include in your Pinterest Ads checklist for selling products, making sure that you get the best results. 

  1. Create a Pinterest business account
  2. Set up your Pinterest profile 
  3. Optimize your Pinterest profile
  4. Connect your Pinterest profile to your eCommerce store
  5. Upload your product catalog
  6. Confirm that your Pinterest tag is set up correctly
  7. Establish your Pinterest ad objective (brand awareness, video views, conversion, catalog sales)
  8. Choose your Pinterest ad type (Idea Pin, Product Pin, Carousel Ad, Collections Ad, Promoted Pin, Shopping Ad)
  9. Design a Pin according to ad specs
  10. Determine your budget and bidding preferences
  11. Determine your campaign duration and run dates
  12. Create your target audience based on desired demographics
  13. Upload your pin with an optimized headline, copy, and image
  14. Launch your campaign
  15. Monitor Pinterest analytics and track your campaign

Do you need help to make the most out of your Pinterest ad campaign? 

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