Pinterest is where Your audience is...  Are you there?

Are you feeling lost or frustrated with Pinterest? Just like sunflowers turn toward the sun, we help your business reach its fullest potential with Pinterest marketing. 

At Simply Pintastic®, we understand the challenges you face at every stage of your business or blogging journey. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, our expert strategies ensure you can grow without the hassle of chasing down leads or being overly forward on social media. 

Let us handle the complexities, so that your brand can flourish and thrive effortlessly, drawing attention and admiration just like a vibrant sunflower in full bloom.

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What if your VA had a checklist to explode your traffic and bring in quality leads daily?

Do you wish that you had a super helpful, best practices process that you can hand your VA so that you will know without a doubt that your Pinterest marketing would get the results you want? I designed the Pinterest Audit Checklist with YOU in mind.

Take a second to close your eyes…

Imagine bringing in more traffic & leads consistently to your website so that your business or blog excels to the next level… without having to lift a finger! As a busy entrepreneur, you’re exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and it is hard not to feel like our plates are full enough as is. You’re not alone & we can help!

Why Should You Hire A Pinterest Manager?

Pinterest is a marketing channel that requires strategy. Keyword research, pin descriptions & graphics are just the beginning of what you need to put in place for your campaign. 

It may seem daunting at first but once all pieces come together – but if you hire a Pinterest manager you’ll never worry about setting aside hours finding out how this whole world works because we do everything from start to finish so you can focus more exclusively on creating amazing content while increasing revenue through pins!

From The blog:

Marketing on Pinterest can help drive growth for your e-commerce business

E-commerce growth on Pinterest

Do you own an online business and have trouble keeping up with the latest trends in social media marketing? Are you looking for a new way to promote your products.

scaling ads on pinterest

Scaling Ads on Pinterest

Scaling ads on Pinterest allows you to grow your brand, but it also comes at higher costs, so a lot of businesses hesitate. It’s understandable that you’re hesitant to scale.

Pinterest Ads for Beginners

Pinterest marketing offers a wealth of potential, and there are many different post options to consider for success. Pinterest Ads, in particular, are highly effective for certain brands and offer.

how effective are google keyword ideas for pinterest ads

Google Keywords for Pinterest

Google keyword ideas play a key role in optimizing your Promoted Pin campaign so that your ad reaches the right people and converts effectively. Google keywords offer insight into what.

Past Results Our Clients Have Received:

Zero sales from Pinterest to 67% increase in revenue from Pinterest organically
Cost per purchase of $2k digital product below $8.02 with 12 purchases in 7 days!
6.5m monthly viewers and 38% increase in engagement
141% increase in monthly leads and 28% increase in overall website traffic
Targeted email leads for less than $0.57 per email lead with promoted pin campaigns
CPC of $0.18 on Pinterest where the same ad on FB was reaching $1.18 CPC

The combination of our strategic ad system with both search keywords and interest targeting allows us to align our targeting with ‘discovery’ AND ‘intent’ since your audience is problem aware. We’re also able to use custom audiences and re-marketing to engage with customers at the bottom of your funnels. So we can not only help fill the top of your funnel, but also encourage them along the WHOLE buying cycle to purchase/enquire.

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